When we’re busy, it can feel like the days are blending together. As a parent of a newborn or a young child, it can sometimes feel like we’re just going through the motions from day to day, stuck on autopilot.
So how do we separate out the days and give them meaning (even when we’re tired)?
One solution is to set a daily intention. This is not a do-list of things that we want to accomplish (we have enough of those), but a statement on how we want to live our lives each day.
For example, your intention could be to pause once a day and put your hand over your heart, sending yourself love and acknowledging all that you’re doing. Or it can be getting out in nature or having a still and quiet moment where you do absolutely nothing before all of the activity starts again. Whatever you do doesn’t have to be long. It can take a few seconds. But even this simple practice will give your day purpose and direction. It’s like adding a rudder to a boat that’s moving swiftly, but aimlessly, in the water. Here’s how to do it…

Set an intention for your day every morning (or the night before). Write it down and remind yourself of it each day. I like to set the same intention for a whole week or even a month, so it really sinks in and permeates. Over time, these intentions have become my North Star and have helped anchor me within the busy sea of life.

“First, it’s an intention. Then a behavior. Then a habit.
Then a practice. Then a second nature.
Then it is simply who you are.”
~Brendon Burchard