The PediaWise Blog

Free pregnancy and parenting tips from a board-certified doctor and Mom.


The Flu & The Flu Vaccine: What to Know This Season

The flu is officially surging this year and it's hitting the U.S. pretty hard. It has been responsible for several pediatric deaths and...

In the News

Studies show that cases of Whooping Cough (fancy name: Pertussis) are five times higher in the U.S. this cold & flu season. In this...
Bird flu (fancy name: avian influenza) is a viral infection that primarily affects birds, but that...
Although cannabis is legal in many states in the U.S. (for both medical and recreational use),...
Cases of RSV bronchiolitis are on the rise, which tends to happen every year around this...

Getting Pregnant

There's more to a healthy pregnancy than just the meet-up of an egg and a sperm. Check out our Top 10 Preconception...
An important part of trying to get pregnant is figuring out when to have sex. Ideally,...
In the medical world, women who are 35 or older at the time of delivery are...
When it comes to picking a practitioner for your prenatal care, there are a bunch of...


Braxton Hicks Contractions are “fake contractions” that fall into the “you’ve been punk’d” category. When do Braxton Hicks...
Between 26-28 weeks of pregnancy, doctors give expectant Moms with an Rh-negative blood type a shot...
Not only are there different types of healthcare providers who deliver babies (think: OB/GYNs, midwives, and...
A small percentage (0.3-3%) of pregnant women develop “hyperemesis gravidarum.” What's That? It's basically morning sickness...


Babies are more prone to infections than adults because their immune systems are still maturing, and they haven’t come in...
It’s generally recommended that babies avoid plane travel until they’ve received their 2-month vaccines. When you...
A properly installed car seat is the one thing you must have to be allowed to...
The pediatric recommendations for safe sleep have evolved over the years. Before 1992. most parents put...


In the U.S., potty training is often introduced to kids between 18-36 months of age. This rite of passage is a big deal for both...
Although many toddlers stay the course when it comes to sleep, others decide that sleep is...
As your child continues to grow, you may be wondering how tall they'll be when all...
Most parents (especially first-time parents) wonder, at some point, whether their child is developing “normally." It's...

Mindful Parenting

Let’s be honest, public tantrums are the pits. As parents, we try to ignore the stares of onlookers (which run the gamut of pitying...
As babies grow into toddlers, their fears and anxieties tend to grow, as well. Why? Because...
We have a finite amount of energy in our tanks. The demands of parenting can deplete...
The average person takes approximately 23,000 breaths per day. Because breathing is an automatic process, we’re...