The Flu & The Flu Vaccine: What to Know This Season The flu is officially surging this year and it's hitting the U.S. pretty hard. It has been responsible for several pediatric deaths and...
The 411 on Whooping Cough and Why It’s On the Rise Studies show that cases of Whooping Cough (fancy name: Pertussis) are five times higher in the U.S. this cold & flu season. In this...
What is Bird Flu and Why Do I Keep Hearing About It? Bird flu (fancy name: avian influenza) is a viral infection that primarily affects birds, but that can occasionally infect humans. Recently...
Another Reason Cannabis and Pregnancy Don’t Mix Although cannabis is legal in many states in the U.S. (for both medical and recreational use), that doesn’t mean it’s safe for...
From Symptoms to Prevention: The Latest on RSV in Young Kids Cases of RSV bronchiolitis are on the rise, which tends to happen every year around this time. In this article, we'll discuss what...
What’s Up With the Increase in Caffeine-Related ER Visits in Kids? A new study (released by Epic Research) has shown a recent and significant increase in “caffeine-related" emergency room visits...
Walking Pneumonia: What it is and Why it’s in the News? There's been a recent surge in walking pneumonia cases in the U.S., especially in children. In this article, we'll talk about why...
The 411 on Neffy (The First Nasal Spray Form of Epinephrine) This past summer, the FDA approved Neffy, the first nasal spray version of epinephrine. Epinephrine is used for the treatment of...
The Latest on COVID-19: Cases, Variants & Vaccines Now that we're in the thick of cold & flu season, you may be wondering what COVID Is up to. It's almost hard to believe...