The Top 5 Tips for Managing Public Tantrums Let’s be honest, public tantrums are the pits. As parents, we try to ignore the stares of onlookers (which run the gamut of pitying...
The Top 5 Tips for Managing Toddler Fears and Anxieties As babies grow into toddlers, their fears and anxieties tend to grow, as well. Why? Because they become more aware of the...
How to Spend Your Energy Wisely and With Intention We have a finite amount of energy in our tanks. The demands of parenting can deplete this energy fairly quickly, leaving us with...
How To Use Your Breath As An Anchor to Be More Present The average person takes approximately 23,000 breaths per day. Because breathing is an automatic process, we’re not aware of...
The Power of the Pause: How Pausing Helps You Respond More Mindfully When we feel triggered, it’s important to create some "space" between our feelings and our reactions so that we can be more...
Find Your Authentic Self By Living “In Alignment” When you become a parent, your life changes forever. The parenting journey can be an exhilarating, wild, and beautiful ride...
The Top 5 Tips for Managing Aggressive Behavior in Toddlers Toddlers tend to “play” side by side, rather than directly with one another. That’s not to say, however, that your child won’t grab a toy...
How Setting Intentions Can Give Us a Sense of Direction in Our Busy Lives When we're busy, it can feel like the days are blending together. As a parent of a newborn or a young child, it can sometimes feel like...
How to Feel More Present & Connected As a Parent When There’s “No Time” As a pediatrician with a background in mindfulness, one of the things I'm most interested in is figuring out how we can live...