Braxton-Hicks (“Fake”) Contractions vs. The Real-Deal Contractions Braxton Hicks Contractions are “fake contractions” that fall into the “you’ve been punk’d” category. When do Braxton Hicks...
Rh Incompatibility: What is it and How is it Managed? Between 26-28 weeks of pregnancy, doctors give expectant Moms with an Rh-negative blood type a shot called RhoGAM to...
Where Should I Have My Baby? The Different Options Not only are there different types of healthcare providers who deliver babies (think: OB/GYNs, midwives, and family...
Hyperemesis Gravidarum: When Morning Sickness Turns Up the Volume A small percentage (0.3-3%) of pregnant women develop “hyperemesis gravidarum.” What's That? It's basically morning sickness...
The Big Picture: Pregnancy Length and Trimester Breakdown The human pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks (depending on when your baby decides to make their debut). This is counted from the...
The Top 5 Tips for Calling the On-Call OB/GYN Expectant moms sometimes get flustered when they have to call the on-call doctor at night because they don’t want to bother...
How to Calculate Your Due Date (For the Math Lovers and the Math Averse) You can use the first day of a your last menstrual period (LMP) to calculate your due date. How So? To figure out your due...
Should I Take a DHA & EPA Supplement During My Pregnancy? DHA (fancy name: docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (fancy name: eicosapentaenoic acid) are omega-3 fatty acids. What's so great...
Calcium and Vitamin D Requirements During Pregnancy Calcium and vitamin D go together like bees and honey. How so? Calcium builds strong bones (and teeth) and vitamin D helps...