Welcome to Day 5 of the PediaWise Holiday Gift Guide for 2022! 

Here are the Gift Ideas for Today (p.s. Click on the Hyperlinks Below to Go to the Products)…

The Swell Relief Duo by Standard Dose includes a pair of compression socks and a foot relief cream. Women are susceptible to blood clots in their legs (fancy name: DVTs) during pregnancy. Compression socks can help prevent DVTs by improving the circulation in women’s legs and pumping blood back up to their heart. Compression socks aren’t usually the prettiest things to look at, but this pair is super stylish and comes with a soothing foot cream too. What more could you ask for?!   

Baby PediaWise Pick: “Kyte Baby Sleep Bag 1.0 in Blush” ($50)

Safe sleep is key when it comes to caring for a baby. “Sleep bags” (also known as “sleep sacks” or “wearable blankets”) keep babies warm and eliminate the need for a blanket in the crib. (Blankets in the crib are a no-no for babies under 1 year because of the risk of SIDS.) The Kyte Baby Sleep Bag is made out of soft, breathable fabric and comes in a variety of colors.  

Toddler PediaWise Pick: “Ice Cream Van Bunny in Mini Suitcase Doll” ($38)

The Ice Cream Van Bunny Mini Suitcase Doll is essentially 3 gifts in 1. It includes an adorable bunny doll with a fancy dress, a mini “suitcase” in the shape of an ice cream van to carry the bunny in, and a blue mat for the bunny to sit on. I particularly like the fact that the bunny is made out of cloth and is free of choking hazards. (For example, it doesn’t have the button eyes & nose that you commonly see with stuffed animals.) Toddlers are super imaginative and creative, so this toy is sure to inspire a ton of stories and adventures.


Happy Holidays! See You in the PediaFeed (or on Instagram @pediawiseforparents) Tomorrow for Day 6 of The PediaWise Gift Guide.