There are a million and one children’s toys on the market. The best toys are educational, teach kids about “cause and effect” (for example, if you push a button, music will play), and spur creativity. However, certain toys can be a safety risk, so be mindful of which ones you bring into your home.
Here Are the Top 5 Tips on Toy Safety:

1. Watch Out for Choking Hazards.
Size is the No. 1 thing to pay attention to when buying a toy. Toys or parts of toys that are small enough to fit inside the cardboard tube of a toilet paper roll are not your child’s friend.
PediaTip: Keep an extra close eye on button batteries (which are used to power certain toys). Why? Because they’re corrosive when ingested (or when put in the ear or up the nose).
2. Beware of the Packaging.
Many toys come wrapped in plastic bags, which can pose a suffocation hazard to children. Therefore, it’s best to throw plastic bags away (or recycle them if an option) when you take the toys out of the box.
3. Be Careful With Hand-Me-Downs.
Many old-school toys bring back fond memories for us and are a novelty for our kids. However, what was considered safe 20 years ago, might be recalled in a heartbeat today. Be judicious about the hand-me-downs that you accept or put the kibosh on them altogether.
4. Get Wise About Recalls.
Fill out the product registration card that comes with the toy (if an option) or buy toys from sites like Amazon (which will email you if the toy has been recalled). In addition, sign up for the Consumer Product Safety Commission alerts. I will also periodically send out alerts about recalls.
5. Opt for Battery-Operated Toys (vs. Electric Toys).
Why? Because, in rare cases, electric toys have short-circuited and caused burns and shocks.
Bonus Toy Safety Tip:

Avoid Toys with Magnets.
Magnets that are accidentally ingested can wreak havoc on the GI tract. This is especially true if 2 magnets are swallowed. Why? Because they’re still attracted to each other inside the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, there’s a risk that a piece of the intestines will get trapped between them, which is no bueno.
Twin Talk: Do I Have to Buy Two of Everything, Toy-Wise, for My Twins?

Nope. Save your $$. Your twins will just be ahead of the game when it comes to sharing.
Exception: If it’s a teething toy (or a favorite toy), consider getting two of them.
The Bottom Line
Buy age-appropriate toys for your child, pay attention to the warning labels on the toys, and be careful about using hand-me-downs.